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Community Impact Student Athletes Join Forces For Habitat For Humanity Builds

Community Impact: Student-Athletes Join Forces for Habitat for Humanity Builds

University of Indianapolis, IUPUI, and Wabash College Athletes Lend a Helping Hand

UIndy, IUPUI, and Wabash College are making a difference in the community.

Student-athletes from the University of Indianapolis, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, and Wabash College are participating in NCAA-funded Habitat for Humanity builds. The NCAA Division III initiative brings together student-athletes from across the country to volunteer their time and skills to help build homes for families in need.

The NCAA Division III, which consists of athletic programs at smaller colleges and universities across the United States, is known for its commitment to community service. The Division III philosophy emphasizes the importance of balancing athletic competition with academic achievement and community involvement.

The student-athletes involved in the Habitat for Humanity builds are not only helping to make a difference in the lives of the families who will live in the homes but also gaining valuable experience in leadership, teamwork, and giving back to the community.
